Martial Arts Foundation is an organization founded by Kyoshi Larry L. Mabson during the eary 1990's. MAF events are open to all martial art styles and systems. Our primary focus is to promote discipline, respect, honor, personal accountability and leadership through the philosophy of martial art activities. An increasing number of kids are tempted by certain elements of today's society that produce negative and/or none productive behavior. Likewise, there are significant numbers of adults who have drifted from the everyday practice of fundamental courtesy, community involvement and a demand for children, family and friends to be accountable for their actions. MAF strives to maintain basic values of goodwill and community development through the support of young kids, teens and adult martial art students of all ages and martial art styles by providing quality ongoing martial art activities. Since MAF's inception many martial art schools, associations, businesses and special interest groups have participated in it's activities and are proud affiliates with the organization.